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Volunteering in Retirement

Fulfill your desire to give back to the community. 

During retirement, volunteering can be a great way to remain involved in the community and apply skills from your life experiences. Whether you’re already retired or planning to be, if you’re interested in volunteering, it’s important to find a reputable organization to have a safe, fulfilling experience.

American Red Cross

The American Red Cross offers a wealth of volunteer opportunities in different areas of need, so you’re likely to find something that matches your interests or professional background. Roles may be available in areas such as disaster response and services, CPR and First Aid education, military and veteran support, biomedical services (such as hosting blood drives) and international services.1

United Service Organizations

United Service Organizations, better known as the USO, is dedicated to supporting members of the military and their families by keeping them connected to family, home and country throughout their time of service. Possible responsibilities include working at events, greeting service members at homecoming celebrations, office assistance and more.2

Feeding America®

Feeding America is the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the U.S. It aims to help the more than 38 million people in our country who struggle with food insecurity.Ways to get involved consist of working in local soup kitchens, food pantries and other meal programs.4

Meals on Wheels®

Meals on Wheels helps provide nutritious food and company to senior citizens who may otherwise go hungry. In some areas, additional services are also offered, such as pet food delivery, meal programs at senior centers, transportation and home repairs. Each local program works to provide community-specific solutions.5

Senior Corps

If you’re age 55 or older and looking for places to volunteer, Senior Corps is a great place to look. As part of the Corporation for National and Community Service, Senior Corps helps connect people with organizations seeking their knowledge and expertise. Volunteer opportunities include being mentors, coaches, personal companions and foster grandparents.6

Special Olympics

The Special Olympics help people with intellectual disabilities develop and have fun through the healing power of sports and community. In addition to the main event, games take place all over the country and around the globe several times a year. Openings for you to help include coaching, training, officiating, event planning, fundraising, managing and cheering from the stands.7

Habitat for Humanity®

If you’re in good physical condition, volunteering with Habitat for Humanity can be extremely rewarding. No prior construction experience is necessary — all you need is a positive attitude. Look into how you can assist with building homes for people in need and help transform neighborhoods both in the U.S. and around the world.8

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1 Volunteer Opportunities, American Red Cross, 2022.
2 USO, 2022.
3 Hunger and Poverty Facts, Feeding America, 2022.
4 Volunteer, Feeding America, 2022.
5 Frequently Asked Questions, Meals on Wheels, 2022.
6 Senior Corps, Corporation for National & Community Service, 2022.
7 Volunteer for Special Olympics, Special Olympics, 2022.
8 Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity, 2022.

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