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Editorial Guidelines

More than a style guide: a look at the guidelines at Amica and how we work to provide you with useful and informative content.

Thoughtful content

Amica writes editorial articles as part of our mission to create peace of mind and build enduring relationships. Our customers come first. That’s true over the phone, as we help them choose the right coverages, and in the field, as we take care of everything related to a claim. It also includes the content standards we follow while creating resources to help guide you through life’s important milestones and decisions. Our editorial team works to provide thoughtful advice to help protect the people you love and the belongings that matter most to you.

Key principles

The Amica content team is focused on creating high-quality, trustworthy content. With over a century of experience to our name, we strive to bring knowledge to you in written form.

Helpful resources

We put together helpful content that answers the questions you may have. Our goal is to bring our insurance knowledge and hands-on experience to you when you need it.

Sometimes insurance can feel overwhelming. These resources are here to help you understand your options, align you with the information you might need and help answer the questions you should be asking, so you can make your next move thoughtfully. These resources are written to provide value as you determine what’s best for you. 

The writing process

The process of creating high-quality content is multifaceted. It starts with understanding what you want. Our researchers look for areas where we can help. They begin crafting the content our editorial articles will cover, understanding that relevant information about the right insurance topics can help you make the best decisions to protect the things in your life that matter most.

As a new piece of content is written, our editorial team and subject matter experts work to present the complexities of a subject clearly and concisely, outlining topics and summing up important details in easily digestible articles.

The review process doesn’t stop once we publish an article. Our content is reviewed and revised to make sure that it — and any sources we reference — stay relevant and accurate.

Sources and citations

There are times when our research leads us to valuable sources of information outside our organization. In those cases, we’ll reference the reputable sources that help explain a subject more clearly or provide relevant facts.

We're here to help. And we put together the information in these resources to do just that.


Your Policy, Policy Declarations or Amended Declarations in effect on the date of loss is the primary source of reference for your coverage, coverage limits and deductible amounts.

The inclusion of non-Amica companies, products, services or statements herein (“Third-Party Content”) is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Amica Insurance. Policies, views, opinions or positions of Third-Party Content expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies, views, opinions or positions of Amica Insurance. Amica Insurance makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy and reliability of Third-Party Content.

This content may contain helpful tips, explanation and advice. Your use of this information is voluntary and may not be effective in every circumstance. Amica encourages you to use good judgment and put safety first.